Presentations and Posters
Robin Busse (Presenter, TU Darmstadt), David Glauser (Universität Bern), Katja Scharenberg (LMU München): Warum sind Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund häufiger von Ausbildungsabbrüchen betroffen? Jahrestagung 2024 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik zu «Paradigmen, Positionen, Perspektiven», Technische Universität Dresden.
Sara Möser und Corinna Kleinert. The qualification and gender structure of occupational aspirations in Germany and Switzerland, 2024 ECSR Conference, 09/2024
Sara Möser und Corinna Kleinert. The qualification and gender structure of occupational aspirations in Germany and Switzerland, Herbsttagung der Sektion „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“, 10/2024
Sara Möser und Julia Mayr. The political interest of young people in Germany and Switzerland, Herbsttagung der Sektion „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“, 10/2024
David Glauser und Rolf Becker. Educational Choices and trajectories. How subjective expected utility theory contributes to explain social inequalities at upper secondary and tertiary level (Data: DAB; presentation of first results: 29th Council for European Studies (CES) on “International Conference of Europeanists - Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias”; Session: “European Education Systems and Inequality”; Island, 06/2023.
Madlaina Jost und Sara Möser: Salary, Flexibility or Career Opportunity? A choice experiment on gender specific job preferences. Oral presentation at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2023 at Science Po Paris, 05/2023
Madlaina Jost und Sara Möser: Salary, Flexibility or Career Opportunity? A choice experiment on gender specific job preferences. Oral presentation at Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology at University Bern, 08/2023
Sara Möser: Nutzen von Incentives in der DAB Panelstudie Oral presentation at the 15. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum at DIW Berlin, 03/2023
Sara Möser: Forced or Unforced Choice? Including an Opt Out Alternative in a Choice Experiment on Gender Specific Job Preferences Oral presentation at the ESRA conference at the University of Milan-Bicocca in Milan, 07/2023
Sara Möser: Use of Incentives in the DAB Panel Study. Oral presentation at the ESRA conference at the University of Milan-Bicocca in Milan, 07/2023
Sara Möser. The DAB Panel Study - Design and Research Potential. Invited talk at University of Bamberg, Chair of Sociology, area Social Stratification, 07/2023
Sara Möser. The DAB Panel Study - Design and Research Potential Invited talk at Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Departmental Colloquium of Division 2, 10/2023
Sara Möser und Madlaina Jost: Salary, Flexibility or Career Opportunity? A choice experiment on gender specific job preferences. 4th Annual Conference on Experimental Sociology, Utrecht, 08/2022
Sara Möser: Bewertung von Lehr- und Arbeitsstellen beim Eintritt in den Arbeitsmarkt – Ergebnisse zweier Choice Experimente. Forschungskolloquium PH St. Gallen, 04/2022
David Glauser: Consequences of ethnic segregation on educational attainment at upper secondary level in Germany and Switzerland. EARLI SIG 18 conference «Diversity and Inclusion as Challenges for Educational Effectiveness and Improvement», University of Education Freiburg, Germany, 09/2022.
David Glauser: How subjective expectations and loss avoidance shape social stratification in educational attainment. An application of random regret minimization models to analyze educational inequalities. Conference of the Sociology of Education Research Network of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) on «Educational institutions in Switzerland and their paradoxical contribution to social cohesion and disintegration», University of Basel, Switzerland, 06/2022.
David Glauser: Why immigrants are aiming high? Findings from Germany and Switzerland based on NEPS and DAB data (together with Katja Scharenberg (University of Freiburg) and Robin Busse (University of Göttingen)). Kolloquium des Instituts für Soziologie und der Abteilung Bildungssoziologie, Universität Bern, Switzerland, 04/2022.
David Glauser: From school-to-work: Regional variation of educational trajectories in German-speaking Switzerland. Presentation at a workshop of the SNSF project’s supporting group «Evolution de la Formation Professionelle Suisse», EHB Zollikofen, Switzerland, 03/2022.
Rolf Becker: The researcher, the incentive, the panelists and their response – the impact of direct reciprocity on the panelists’ survey participation. Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“, gehostet vom SOEP (DIW Berlin). 11/2021.
Rolf Becker, Sara Möser, David Glauser und Nora Moser: Die Befragungsteilnahme in den Zeiten von Corona. Gemeinsamer Kongress der DGS & ÖGS: Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? 08/2012.
Sara Möser: Social selectivity on the path to higher vocational education. 11th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, 06/2021.
Sara Möser: Social selectivity on the path to higher vocational education. ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021, 06/2021.
Sara Möser: Naïve or persistent optimism? - The Changing Vocational Aspirations of Children of Immigrants at the Transition from School to Work. ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021, 06/2021.
Sara Möser: Valuation of Labour Market Entrance Positions among (future) Apprentices -- Results from two Discrete Choice Experiments. Forschungskolloquium Soziologie Universität Bern, 04/2021.
Richard Nennstiel: Explaining ethnic differences in access to VET in German-speaking Switzerland:the effects of application behavior and resources. Cohesive Societies? 3rd conference of the Academy of Sociology, 09/2021.
Richard Nennstiel: Do more demanding lower secondary school certificates for minority students pay off? A comparison of VET access between Germany and German-speaking Switzerland. 4th International CILS4EU User Conference, 09/2021.
Richard Nennstiel: Do more demanding lower secondary school certificates for minority students pay off? A comparison of VET access between Germany and German-speaking Switzerland. European Research Network on Transitions in Youth, 09/2021.
Richard Nennstiel: Do more demanding lower secondary school certificates for minority students pay off? A comparison of VET access between Germany and German-speaking Switzerland. 11th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, 06/2021.
Sara Möser: Social selectivity on the path to higher vocational education. 5th International NEPS conference, 12/2020, online.
Sara Möser: Social selectivity on the path to higher vocational education. SOCEDUC 2020, 11/2020, online.
Sara Möser: Value of further training opportunities. DGS conference - Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, 19/2020, online.
Sara Möser: Naïve or persistent optimism? - The Changing Vocational Aspirations of Children of Immigrants at the Transition from School to Work. ECSR conference, 07/2020, online.
Rolf Becker: Educational and Occupational Trajectories in Switzerland. Empirical Results Based on Different Panel Studies such as DAB, TREE, and SHP. Kolloquium des Instituts für Soziologie der Universität Mannheim, 03/2019, Mannheim, Germany
Rolf Becker: DAB Panel Study. Project presentation at the 5. Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research, 07/2019, Dortmund, Germany
Rolf Becker: Ethnic Choice Effects at the Transition to Upper Secondary Education. SLLS Conference, 09/2019, Potsdam, Germany
David Glauser: Upper secondary education: A cohort comparison with TREE & DAB data for German-speaking Switzerland. International Conference on Immigrants´ Integration: Educational Opportunities & Life Chances in Ascona, 06/2019, Ascona.
Sara Möser: Determinants of educational choice and vocational training opportunities - DAB panel study. Project presentation and Hands on Workshop at the Second Swiss Longitudinal Data Fair, 02/2019, Lausanne.
Sara Möser: Evolution of Educational and Vocational Aspirations of Immigrants. International Conference on Immigrants´ Integration: Educational Opportunities & Life Chances in Ascona, 06/2019, Ascona.
Sara Möser: Evolution of Educational and Vocational Aspirations of Immigrants. 10th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, 06/2019, Lausanne.
Sara Möser: Cash vs. Vouchers vs. Gifts in Web Surveys of a Mature Panel Study. European Survey Research Association, 07/2019, Zagreb.
Sara Möser: Educational Trajectories and Subjective Career Satisfaction. The Social Structure of Subjective Well-Being, 10/2019, Luxembourg.
Sara Möser: Valuation of Labour Market Entrance Positions among (Future) Apprentices. ECSR conference, 10/2019, Lausanne.
Sara Möser: Naïve or persistent optimism? - Changing Vocational Aspirations of Children of Immigrants at the Transition from School to Work. 4th International NEPS conference, 11/2019, Bamberg.
Richard Nennstiel: School to work transitions in German-speaking Switzerland: ethnic penalties on the VET-market. 4th International NEPS Conference, 11/2019, Bamberg.
Richard Nennstiel: Ethnic penalties on the Swiss VET market? A negative binomial regression approach. Poster. International Conference on Immigrants´ Integration: Educational Opportunities & Life Chances in Ascona, 06/2019, Ascona.
Christoph Zangger: Stepping stones and stumbling blocks. Does the regional opportunity structure explain ethnic penalties in education? International Conference on Immigrants´ Integration: Educational Opportunities & Life Chances in Ascona, 06/2019, Ascona.
Rolf Becker und David Glauser: Transitionen von der Primarschule in die Sekundarstufe I und in die Erstausbildung – Längsschnittanalysen zu den Bildungs- und Ausbildungschancen von Migranten in unterschiedlichen Geburtskohorten. 6. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung, 02/2018, Basel.
David Glauser: Immigrant optimism: Ethnic choice effects at the transition to upper secondary education. Cohort comparison for German-speaking Switzerland. Poster. Erster Kongress der Akademie für Soziologie: „Wachsende Ungleichheit – gespaltene Gesellschaft? Aktuelle Beiträge der empirisch-analytischen Soziologie“, 04/2018, München, Deutschland.
David Glauser: Immigrant optimism? Ethnic choice effects at the transition to upper secondary education. Cohort comparison for German-speaking Switzerland. Poster. SERI Conference on VET research: "Technological change and VET", 10/2018, Lausanne.
Sara Möser, David Glauser und Rolf Becker: Transition from General Education to Vocational Training - Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment on Apprenticeship Positions. 26th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY), 09/2018, Mannheim, Deutschland.
Sara Möser, David Glauser und Rolf Becker: Valuation of Apprenticeship and Job Attributes - Results from two Discrete Choice Experiments. Poster. SERI Conference on VET research: "Technological change and VET", 10/2018, Lausanne.
Sara Möser, David Glauser und Rolf Becker: Valuation of Apprenticeship and Job Attributes. Poster. Analytische Soziologie: Theorie und empirische Anwendungen. 11/2018, Venice, Italy.
Richard Nennstiel: Female Optimism? Determinanten des aspirierten Berufsstatus zum Ende der Pflichtschulzeit in der Deutschschweiz. Poster. Erster Kongress der Akademie für Soziologie: „Wachsende Ungleichheit – gespaltene Gesellschaft? Aktuelle Beiträge der empirisch-analytischen Soziologie“, 04/2018, München, Deutschland.
Richard Nennstiel: Female Optimism? Determinants of aspirated occupational status at the end of compulsory school in German-speaking Switzerland. Poster. SERI Conference on VET research: "Technological change and VET", 10/2018, Lausanne.
Richard Nennstiel: Emerging female optimism? A comparison of two cohorts in German-speaking Switzerland. Netzwerktagung des Forschungskomitees Bildungssoziologie der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: "When the sociology of education meets the world of work: School-to-work transition and work in educational institutions", 11/2018, Lausanne.
Social inequalities in educational aspirations and educational attainment of juveniles in German-speaking Switzerland. Findings of the DAB panel study (Symposium). 3rd International Conference on Transitions in Youth, Young Adulthood and Beyond, 09/2017, Bern.
VET or general education? Effects of regional opportunity structures on educational attainment in German-speaking Switzerland. 5th Congress of the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) on “Unleashing the creative potential of VET”, 03/2017 Zollikofen.
Rolf Becker, David Glauser und Fabienne Zwahlen: DAB Panelstudy. Educational decision at the transition from school to work. Determinants of education choice and vocational education opportunities. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 22.-23.09.2016, Basel)
Rolf Becker und David Glauser: VET or general education? Effects of regional opportunity structures on educational attainment in German-speaking Switzerland. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 22.-23.09.2016, Basel)
Franziska Jäpel: Berufsmaturität oder Maturität? Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahl einer Hochschulberechtigung bei jugendlichen Schulabgängern in der Deutschschweiz. Poster (SGBF-Kongress; 29.06.- 01.07 2016, Lausanne)
David Glauser: Vocational education or general education? The impact of social origin on the transition to upper secondary education in Switzerland. International Conference on „(Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Education and Social Mobility“, 03/2015, Ascona.
Lena Greber, David Glauser und Rolf Becker: How far the apple fall from TREE. A cohort comparison of TREE and DAB data on social selectivity at the transition to upper secondary education in German-speaking Switzerland. 8th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, 06/2015, Lausanne.
David Glauser und Michael Beck (PHSG): Educational transitions in Switzerland. Primary and secondary effects of stratification at the transitions to lower and upper secondary education. RC28 Conference, 05/2015, Tilburg.
David Glauser: Vocational eduaction or general education? The impact of social origin, gender and immigrant background on the transition to upper secondary education. 4th Congress on Research in Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland, 03/2015, Zollikofen.
Franziska Jäpel: Educational decisions: the federal vocational baccalaureate in post-compulsory education. Sociological Perspectives in Research on Education in Switzerland – Conference organised bay the SSA Sociological of Education Research Network, 11/2014, Fribourg
David Glauser: Upper secondary track decision. What educational aspirations can tell about social disparities. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 14.05.2014, Bern)
Franziska Jäpel: Educational Decisions and the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate in Post-Compulsory Education. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 14.05.2014, Bern)
David Glauser: Aspirations and educational decisions on the transition to upper secondary education: Evidence from Switzerland. 2nd International Conference on Transitions in Youth and Young Adulthood (TREE), 11/2013, Basel.
David Glauser und Rolf Becker: Einfluss regionaler Opportunitäten und Restriktionen auf Bildungsentscheidungen beim Übergang an der ersten Schwelle in der Schweiz. Tagung „Bildung und Region“ am Nationalen Bildungspanel (NEPS), 10/2013, Bamberg.
David Glauser: Aspirations and educational decisions on the transition to upper secondary education: Evidence from Switzerland. 21st annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY), 09/2013, Berlin.
David Glauser: Cost-benefit estimation when choosing an apprenticeship offer: Evidence from a choice experiment. IMA / MISC / FORS methods and research meeting, 05/2013, Lausanne.
David Glauser und Franziska Jäpel: Cost-benefit estimation when choosing an apprenticeship offer: Evidence from a choice experiment. 3rd Congress on Research in VET; Supporting Teachers, Practitioners and Policy Makers; 13.-15.03.2013, Bern/Zollikofen
David Glauser und Franziska Jäpel: Idealistische und realistische Bildungswünsche und Berufsaspirationen. SGBF-Kongress: Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit; 2.-4.07.2012, Bern
Rolf Becker, Franziska Jäpel und David Glauser: Educational and Occupational Decisions. Determinants of Choices on and Chances for Vocational Training. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 24.-25.10.2012, Biel/Bienne)
Rolf Becker, David Glauser und Franziska Jäpel: Educational and Occupational Decisions. First Results: Occupational and Educational Aspirations of 8th Grade Students. Poster (Conference on VET Research; 24.-25.10.2012, Biel/Bienne)
Franziska Jäpel und David Glauser: Career Aspirations and the Process of Career Decisions; First Results of the DAB – Panel Study. Poster (ECER 2012 – the European Conference in Educational Research; 17.-20.09.2012, Cádiz)